Dear Friends,
While LOAM remains deeply committed to its mission to promote healing, restoration and racial reconciliation in the St. Louis area, we firmly believe the Lord is calling LOAM to expand its outreach in 2025. This will take place in three key areas and there are three options for you to still give in the time remaining of 2024!
Facilitator Training for Student and Adult Unity Lab programs
Part of LOAM’s expansion plan includes taking the Student Unity Lab and Adult Unity Lab programs into more schools and churches in Missouri and around the United States! In order to spread the Gospel message of reconciliation and unity even farther, LOAM will need to use an online learning platform to train new facilitators across the country to teach in-person Student and Adult Unity Lab classes. The LOAM team is praying for the Lord to send new facilitators who are not only committed to LOAM’s mission and vision, but who truly love the Lord Jesus
and His people. As you would imagine, creating an online training curriculum is expensive. It will cost upwards of $35,000 to produce the eight training modules needed. Your donation of at least $500 could literally go a long way! I use the word “literally” because not only will your donation help LOAM train new facilitators here in the United States, but overseas as well! I am excited to announce that LOAM is in the works of establishing a partnership with New Hope Ministries of Katmandu, Nepal! New Hope, established by Pastor Hemu Thomas, is dedicated to fighting against the oppressive caste system. This centuries-old system of human degradation, which is mostly associated with India, also significantly impacts Nepal– India’s neighbor to the North-East.
The Dalits, more commonly referred to by the derogatory name, “Untouchables” are considered so low that they are not even a part of the caste system, but below it. Dalits are forced to attend the worst schools which means they are only qualified to work the most menial of jobs. Possibly the most heart-breaking victims of this systemic disenfranchisement are the Dalit street children. Pastor Hemu reached out to me last summer to ask if LOAM could train his volunteers to facilitate Unity Lab classes for these children at the schools they attend in Nepalese villages and in Katmandu, the capitol. Pastor Hemu believes that understanding the core principles of the
LOAM Unity Lab program would encourage the spirits of these young people and the adults in their lives, who so desperately need to know who they are in Christ Jesus—fearfully and wonderfully made in His image!

Travel to Nepal
While training for Nepalese volunteers would take place online, it is important for me and other members of the LOAM team to travel to Nepal to assess the situation first hand. The total cost for four LOAM representatives, including myself, to make the trip to Nepal is approximately $12,000. Ultimately, our joint mission with New Hope Ministries is to empower Dalit children, their families, and their communities by sharing God’s love, fostering discipleship, and providing practical support. Your donation of at least $500 can help make this possible.
Student Unity Lab Scholarships
Applicants must demonstrate a genuine interest in racial reconciliation and unity work, as well as present a plan of action that would make it possible for the student to promote LOAM Student Unity Lab© principles at the college level.
All of the LOAM Student Unity Lab© scholarships are named in honor of the late Donald Evans and his wife, Doris, of St. Louis. Donald and Doris Evans believed in LOAM’s mission became our first financial supporters shortly after I started the organization.

Me and Doris Evans, December 2024
In conclusion, while I have asked for specific amounts for each of LOAM’s 2025 expansion efforts, any amount you wish give will be a blessing. I wish you and your family a happy and blessed New Year!
In Christ’s love,
Lauren Littrell
Founder and Board President

Mail check to:
Love One Another Ministries
P.O. Box 37102
St. Louis, MO 63141